SuperBeam, ProSteel and EuroBeam

- Price list and ordering information

Product information: SuperBeam . ProSteel . EuroBeam . Product comparison

Prices shown below are exclusive of VAT and include shipping and handling where applicable (first class mail UK; airmail outside UK).

All software is sold subject to Licence Conditions

For full terms and conditions, please see our Online50 Master Software License Agreement

Our programs run on Windows 7/8/10/11 systems. Windows XP and Vista are no longer supported. Currently our programmes do not run on Apple Mac devices

First time purchase

Effective 8 April 2012: These are new user prices: if you've previously bought one or more of our software products please go to our existing user order page as you may qualify for an upgrade or cross-product special price (see below) (Note that you will need your user number and postcode).

Product New user first copy Additional copies
(same user)
Unlimited user site licence
 SuperBeam  £200.00
£100.00* £600.00
ProSteel £200.00
£100.00* £600.00
EuroBeam £250.00
£125.00* £750.00
+ ProSteel
£150.00* £900.00
+ EuroBeam
£150.00* £950.00
+ EuroBeam
£150.00* £950.00
SuperBeam + ProSteel + EuroBeam £400.00
£200.00* £1200.00

Existing user additional product prices (first copy)

Additional licences for products previously purchased priced as above.

Already own
 SuperBeam  - £100.00 £100.00 - - £50.00
 ProSteel  £100.00 - £100.00 - £50.00 -
 EuroBeam  £150.00 £150.00 - £100.00 - -

Existing user additional product site licence prices (effective 14 Feb 2014)

Already own New product site licence
SB, PS or EB site licence £500*
SB+PS, SB+EB or PS+EB site licence £375*

* To get these prices go to You will need your Greentram user number and postcode. Discounted additional licence prices will not show up until your initial order has been processed.

Once we process your order you will be sent a download link by email which will also contains your license Key. You will be also be sent a PDF copy of the manual shown below. Additional manuals are available separately from SuperBeam/ProSteel manual £6.95    EuroBeam manual £10.95 (+P&P)

Order Cancellation Policy

 The sale agreement is on a Business to Business basis, not Business to Customer. Orders placed with BlueSnap can be cancelled by contacting us at prior to the issuing of a license by Online50 Limited. Unfortunately, once a license has been issued cancellation of an order is no longer possible.

Update cover renewal

Effective 15 June 2015  Prices shown are per product and apply to all registered users of SuperBeam, ProSteel or EuroBeam.

Update cover renewals enable us to pay for the continued development of our products. We expect that all licenses will be renewed annually. If you fail to renew your update cover, you can continune to use the software as installed but you will not receive further updates. If you then want to update your software or need to reinstall the software for whatever reason you will be required to renew your update cover before being issued with a new download link. In this case we will reserve the right to backdate your cover. If you haven't renewed your update cover for a period of 3 years or more your cover will lapse and will not be renewable

Renew online: Go to and enter your user number and postcode to order additional licences or to renew your update cover.

SuperBeam or ProSteel update cover

Number of licences currently held: 1 2 3 4 5 or Site licence
Continuing cover, i.e. 12 months from expiry of existing cover





Current version + 12 months cover from now: existing cover expired 2-6 months ago £50 £60 £70 £80 £100
Do. 6+ months £60 £70 £80 £100 £120
SuperBeam 1-3, ProSteel 1-4
price cut September 2010
£60 £70 £80 £100 £120

EuroBeam update cover

Number of licences currently held: 1 2 3 4 5 or Site licence
Continuing cover, i.e. 12 months from expiry of existing cover £60 £70 £80 £90 £100
Current version + 12 months cover from now: existing cover expired 2-6 months ago £70 £80 £90 £100 £120
Do. 6+ months £80 £90 £100 £120 £140

Site licences

For the above programs a site licence authorises the licence holder to make and use any number of copies of the licensed program at one site (for the purposes of our site licences a local authority's offices, if it has more than one, are considered to be one site). Educational establishments are not covered by their parent authority's licence - they must obtain their own licence.

If you are already a licensed user of one of the above products the charge for trading up to a site licence is calculated by deducting the current cost of the copies already licensed to you from the site licence charge. For example, if you currently have three SuperBeam licences you can trade up to a site licence for £200.00+VAT (£600-£200-2 x £100). A small additional charge may apply if your update cover has expired or has less than nine months to run.

E&OE All prices subject to change without notice

SuperBeam and ProSteel manualSuperBeam and ProSteel manual, 103 pages, £6.95 + P & P; latest revision Nov 2020. Orders for this manual are processed by Lulu, a print on demand service - allow 7-10 days for delivery. Please do not send orders to us as we will have to return them. A PDF copy of this manual is included with all first-time orders for SuperBeam and ProSteel.

Buy now
EuroBeam manual

EuroBeam manual, 140-pages, latest revision May 2019. Orders for this manual are processed by Lulu, a print on demand service - allow 7-10 days for delivery. Please do not send orders to us as we will have to return them.

A PDF copy of this manual is included with all first time EuroBeam purchases. Current and prospective users may purchase copies from Lulu if they wish. Buy now